The Saga Of Buying Our First Home
December 20, 2018
Buying Real Estate,Real Estate
A few years ago we went through the all-too-eventful saga of buying our first home. My husband and I went from ongoing renters to…well, it was a long struggle, that’s all we’ll say. Interested in knowing more? Read on, if you can stomach it.
We began our house hunt once we felt we had enough money to make a reasonable down payment. We wanted to stay in the same city, so we called up a local agency and told them of our plans. We were assigned a wonderful young woman who really knew what she was doing. Sadly, she often had the wool pulled over her eyes.
The first house we looked at seemed charming enough at first. It fit our vision of one floor with columns, a master bath attached to the bedroom, and a spacious kitchen for us to entertain friends in. However, what none of us were told was that it needed reroofing! The moment we walked out to check out the yard, a few shingles came falling off the roof and nearly hit my husband on the head! We couldn’t believe it! We quickly got out of there since we definitely could not afford to reroof a house.
The second house was a lot like the first in terms of initial appearances. We got a really good vibe from it and seriously considered making an offer right away. Then we went outside. (It’s always outside.) Right away we met one of the neighbors. She was an old woman who stared at us intently for a few seconds before screaming some terrible, terrible things at us. Seriously, I will not repeat them here. Use your imagination. As you can imagine, none of us were impressed with the idea of living next to someone so hateful like that. Pretty sure she didn’t want us nearby either.
By then our real estate agent apologized a lot, but promised there was one more house we should take a look at. It was in the middle of the city, a little more urban than we wanted but we wouldn’t say no. It was a townhouse in a respectable neighborhood. While it was a little cramped, it had a great atmosphere. The neighbors seemed nice and were ready to make friends with us just from the tour. We don’t plan on having children so the lack of a decent school nearby didn’t deter us.
So what was wrong with this place? One week into our initial deals, we heard some…interesting news. Apparently the house blew up. That’s right, it blew up. The cause? A gas leak next door. No one was hurt since no one was around, but there was no longer any house for us to buy. Well, at least we weren’t there!
You may wonder what eventually happened. You’ll be happy to know that a couple of months later we finally found a wonderful house in a wonderful neighborhood. No explosions either! Now we are very happy in our new home and are glad that saga is behind us.